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7 Ways to Boost the Selling Price of Your Home

Knowing what buyers want when it comes to a property will not only ensure that your home sells quicker but also for a greater sale price.

Every year, a large number of homeowners in the United Kingdom spend money on renovations in order to raise the value of their properties. While some people are ready to spend a lot of money on major home upgrades, not all large projects yield the best results. When it comes to determining the home’s value, small modifications can save you a lot of money. 

As Cheltenham Estate Agents, here are some of our best recommendations for raising the value of your property.

Makeover of the outdoor spaces:

Outdoor space is just as vital as your indoor space. Spending a little money on your garden will boost the total value of your home. To make the exterior space appear more appealing, consider adding a small patio or a paved walkway.

Just by enhancing your property’s ‘kerb appeal,’ you can increase the value of your home by up to 10%. A newly painted façade, a tidy driveway, a new front door and clean windows can all help. When potential buyers browse online or come in for a viewing, the first thing they see is the outside of your home.

Changing the internal layout:

A layout that is in demand is open-plan living. It has been popular for a long time and shows no signs of going out of style anytime soon. Most modern house buyers are searching for places that are functional and versatile, and cooking your food in one area and then having to transfer it to another to consume it seems a little out of date.

You want to create places that are connected but unique, so open-plan living spaces don’t have to be huge or rectangular. Consider separating your room with sliding doors or drapes that can be drawn back during daytime, waist or shoulder-high separators, or doorway-like arches.

A few spacious bedrooms are preferable to a number of small rooms. Consider tearing down walls to expand and enlarge your bedroom.

Adding additional bedrooms and bathrooms:

You should think about converting unused space in your house into a guest bedroom. Otherwise, if you opt to have a house extension, you might take into account the expenses of a new bedroom.

The number of bathrooms, like bedrooms, is a ranking factor for your home, and it’s an important figure in evaluating the property. A little downstairs lavatory may be a simple way to extract profit from wasted space. You can make use of a broom closet, pantry or storage under the stairs to create a small downstairs loo.

Adding a second bathroom can increase the value of your home by up to 5%. 

Converting a loft:

Attic space can be useful if converted into a usable area such as an office, bedroom, gym, or storage space. It’s a waste of valuable space to keep your loft empty. Prioritize underutilised spaces such as the loft if you do choose to spend on renovations.

Loft conversions can be difficult to execute properly. But if done well, you may reap significant domestic and financial benefits.  Increasing square footage of your house will definitely increase its value. Given the market’s obsession with the number of bedrooms, adding one may almost assure a large profit when it comes to selling.

Loft conversion costs roughly £40,000 on average, but it can raise the value of your home by up to 21%. They’re normally a long-term approach, so if you sell right away, you may not get all of your money back.

Loft conversions aren’t cheap – and aren’t appropriate for every home. However, with the right kind of property, they can certainly be a lucky bonus.

Decoration of the interior:

Another common improvement option is redecorating. To modernise a property, you don’t need to invest a lot of money. To breathe fresh life into various areas of your home, you can redo walls, apply new wallpaper, purchase new furniture, and possibly do some basic cleaning and upkeep.

A well-designed kitchen can easily attract more potential value. Similarly, a fresh coat of paint may instantly make claustrophobic spaces more marketable.

Your home may not be brand new, but it will appear that way to potential buyers, and you’ll be doing yourself a favour if you can make it appear appealing as soon as they walk through the door.

A How-To Guide for Raising Your Home’s Value: How You Can Fund Home Improvements

You love your home, your family loves your home, but is it looking past its best, and is it holding value, or is it losing money? As your home is one of the biggest investments you will make in life, it is important that you manage it as well as possible. To manage your home, you must focus on increasing its value – as and where you can. When you increase its value, you have the potential to create a nice nest egg for yourself and your family. So, to raise the value of your home what improvements should be made and how are you going to fund these improvements?

What Improvements Will Add Value

Bathrooms and kitchens not only sell homes, but they add value too. Clean, bright, and light bathrooms and kitchens are inviting and they are welcoming. If a kitchen is outdated you will find that it lets down the whole house. Similarly, if a bathroom is a dark shade of brown or avocado, you will see a few thousand easily knocked off the value of your home. Adding space and renovating key areas within your home is going to add value, and it is going to increase saleability in the future (should this be something that you wish to pursue).

How Much Money Do You Need

Once you have established what improvements and works you are going to do on your home, you then have to establish what budget you need. How much money do you need to successfully complete all of the projects that you want? Do you need a contingency fund in place? You should not start carrying out any home improvement works without first establishing a budget, because this could be disastrous. It could mean that you end up spending more than you want to, and this will taint the renovations and improvements that you carry out.

Funding Options – What is Right for You?

When you are looking at funding your improvements, you need to look at the funding options available to you, and you need to look at affordability too. You do not want to be borrowing more than you can afford to pay back. Similarly, you do not want to be paying a higher interest rate on any borrowing that you do, as this will impact the value you add to your home, and it will leave you in an unstable position too. So, what options are right for you? How long will you require the funding for, and have you got any collateral upfront you can use to secure funding?

Equity Release – Is it Necessary

When large-scale improvements and renovations are being carried out to your home, you may well look at equity release. However, is this necessary? Equity release can be disastrous, it will increase your monthly mortgage payments, and it may be an expensive way to borrow money. With equity release, you may find that you release more money than your home is actually worth, and this may affect you if you come to sell your home. It could mean you end up out of pocket after all – and this is certainly not what you want. Weighing up the pros and cons of equity release, and looking at hidden costs, will help you establish if this option is even necessary.

Loans and Borrowing

High street banks can be turned to for borrowing and lending, however, are they always the best and only option, and are they truly competitive? There are other avenues that you can pursue loans and borrowing, and you may find that they are better suited to you, and to your circumstances. For example, Logbook Loans from Car Cash Point may be suitable for you, especially if you have a family car for use as collateral. Finding the right borrowing options for you, and your family, is important, and you should take time to weigh up interest rates and affordability before making a commitment.

Family and Friends

Getting support from family and friends is crucial when you are looking at improving and renovating your home to increase its value. Reaching out to family and friends for guidance, and even looking at the skills they can contribute to your project is something that you may take into account. If you are reaching out to family and friends for financial aid or support, you have to be very clear on how much you are borrowing, and for what. Unclear lines of communication between family, friends, and finances can cause rifts, and of course, this is not what you need or want.

Having a Renovation Plan

Even when you have your funding in place for your home improvements, you then have to narrow down what you will do, and when. You do not want to try and tackle too many projects at once (even if your to-do list is long) as this will cause you unnecessary stress and pressure. Instead, you want to focus on doing one improvement or renovation at a time. This way you can get the area or room how you want it, before moving on to the next project. A renovation plan will give you structure for your plans and your ideas, and it will help bring your visions and ideas to life.

The best places to install lighting around your home

It’s easy to treat lighting as an afterthought when sorting out the decor in your home. After all, does there really have to be much of a complicated strategy behind simply illuminating a room? 

In a sense, no. However, exactly where you put electric lights in your home can make a surprisingly big difference to how effectively it is lit up. Here are some example places for you to place lights — and details of exactly what types of lights you should consider in each case.

Every single room of the house 

Yes, it isn’t the largest revelation this article could have made. Besides, exactly what kinds of lights you should have in a given room can depend on a wide range of variables. 

One big exception to this rule arises with what is called ambient lighting. Homebuilding & Renovating defines this as “the lighting that gives overall illumination to a room” — and potential sources of ambient lighting include large pendants and sometimes even wall lights.

Where everyday activities take place 

Your household will already know exactly where these particular places are in your home — especially as ‘everyday activities’ can include the likes of reading, cooking and working.

In areas like these, you need what is referred to as task lighting. Good forms of task lighting can include floor, table and desk lamps, but you might already have a fair few items — like cooker hoods and vanity mirrors — that already incorporate lights of their own for ‘task lighting’ purposes.

Where you want to draw attention to specific items 

We probably all have, in our homes, particular features that you wouldn’t find in the average residential property. Maybe your home is a period property still sporting interior Victorian architecture, or you’ve recently hung up a few artwork pieces that would warrant special attention from visitors.

For (literally) shining a light on decorative pieces like these, you could invest in some recessed and hidden LED strips or perhaps some chandeliers. While on the subject of chandeliers…

Where the lighting looks ‘just right’  

“To be sure a ceiling fixture is large enough for your space, especially a chandelier, a quick guideline is to measure the length and width of the room,” designer Billy Ceglia explains to The Spruce

“Then add them together and convert to inches, and that will give a starting point for the ideal size for a light fixture. For example, a 36” wide fixture would be ideal for a 20 x 15 foot room.” While keeping this guidance in mind, you could opt for, say, vintage-style chandeliers if you have a period home.

Your porch or back garden 

If you use either space for outdoor entertaining, you should look for lighting that is not only — of course — outdoor-friendly but also built to emit a soft glow.

As revealed in a Real Simple article, subtle, indirect lighting can help to create the kind of restful mood from which outdoor spaces — like outdoor dining areas — would particularly benefit. Outdoor lanterns can work especially well in such open-air settings.

Everything You Need to Know About SIM Cards

A subscriber identity module, or SIM card, is a card that contains identification information that links a smartphone to a certain mobile network. User identification, location, and phone number, as well as network permission data, private security keys, contact lists, and stored text messages, are all stored on SIM cards.

A SIM-only deals users’ SIM card allows them to access this data and the services that come with it. However, not all SIM cards function in all phones. Global System for Mobile Communication and CDMA Code Division Multiple Access are the two technologies employed (Code Division Multiple Access).

GSM is the most extensively used digital mobile network technology. GSM is used by AT&T and T-Mobile, among others.

If a provider uses GSM, customers can extract their SIM card through one device and transfer it to another with all of their data and contacts intact, in case of SIM-only deals. The user will be able to be identified by the network carrier.

Some phones will be unable to make phone calls, access internet providers such as 4G LTE, or send text messages without a SIM card. SIM cards are detachable and feature memory capacities ranging from 32 to 128 KB.

CDMA phones do not require a SIM card; rather, an electrical serial number is used to identify the device (ESN). Users with an ESN phone can’t readily swap between devices because they’d require approval from their network operator. CDMA is used by network operators such as Verizon and Sprint.

Even though carriers like Verizon and Sprint no longer require SIM cards, SIMs can still be detected in devices connected to those networks.

This is because 4G LTE requires the use of SIM cards on mobile handsets. A SIM card reader is a gadget that allows you to transfer information from the SIM card to any computer device.

Although carriers such as Sprint and Verizon no longer need SIM cards, SIMs can still be identified in devices that are connected to such networks. This is because 4G LTE need the use of SIM cards in mobile phones. A SIM card reader is a device that helps to transfer data from your SIM card to a computer.

What are the security concerns?

Because the SIM card gives indirect accessibility to a person’s email, banking information, and social media accounts, it can be vulnerable to hackers. Often, a text or SMS message is delivered with a password recovery option. If a hacker has access to the data on the SIM card, they can transfer it to some other SIM card.

Dual-SIM capability is now available on some phones, allowing users to utilise two distinct SIM cards in the same handset. The iPhone 10s, for example, enables dual-SIM, with one SIM card being detachable and the other being an eSIM.

Dual-SIM cards are beneficial for users who want to utilise two different phone numbers on the same device. One work phone number and one personal phone number, for example.

SIM cards, particularly the ones having SIM-only deals do have a security code that prevents them from being used on another device, therefore users can modify the Passcode for the SIM card in their phone’s settings to something more difficult. There are authentication and encryption and other security measures that secure data and prevent spying.

The Complete Guide to Editing Marketing Videos for Small Businesses

Did you know that over 4 billion people have social media accounts? If your business doesn’t have a page on at least one of the popular platforms, you’re missing out on a lot of advertising potential. 

Particularly, video advertising. Short clips garner much more attention than photo and text posts as long as you play your cards right. 

That means editing marketing videos to perfection. You only have a second or two to make an impression. You’ve got to plan your clips accordingly. 

We can assist you with that. Keep reading for a few tips that will help you with marketing with videos. 

First Impressions Are Everything 

As we said in our intro, first impressions are everything. You only have a few seconds to catch someone’s attention before they move on to the next post on their feed. 

The best way to get people to stop scrolling and watch is with motion. Movement catches the eye faster than static images. 

Another route you can go is to trigger the viewer’s natural curiosity. Open your video with a question. They’ll watch the clip to the end hoping to get an answer. 

You’re Not Recording a Sales Pitch

When it comes to marketing with videos, it’s important to remember that you’re not recording a sales pitch. Viewers don’t like being sold to. 

What they do like is a story. 

Do a video about how your company got where it is today. Talk about a huge challenge that you overcame. 

It will present a sense of realism that customers can latch onto. It’s also more interesting and creative than sales pitch video number 546. 

Make a Storyboard

All the video editing tools in the world can’t help you if you don’t plan your recording ahead of time. Having a blueprint will help you figure out what kind of clips you need. 

Keep in mind that you don’t have to do anything too fancy. If you’re not an artist, don’t stress it. Simple doodles will do the trick. 

Play With Lighting 

You can get a video editor online for free that comes with plenty of options as far as lighting goes. 

Playing around with video lighting effects will allow you to set the mood for your clip. For example, let’s say that you’re filming a cheery scene. You would use soft lighting for that. 

Reserve your harsh lighting for scenes that depict moments of sadness or anger. 

Choose the Right Video Length 

The last step is choosing your marketing video length. Again, you’ve only got a few seconds to grab the viewer’s attention and keep it. You don’t want to drag things out. 

Since most people are scrolling through their social media feed when they’re on break or stuck in a traffic jam, your videos shouldn’t be longer than 60 seconds.

The Trick to Editing Marketing Videos 

With all the people that use social media every day, you can’t afford to not use it as an advertising opportunity. Out of all the different types of marketing out there, videos are the most popular. 

We hope that you’re able to use these tips for editing marketing videos to record the perfect clips. For more tips that will help your company grow, visit the Business section of our blog. 

Choosing the best foods for your pet dog

It is important that the food that your dog eats and consumes is highly nutritious and is good for them. While there is no such thing as junk food for dogs, the foods that you give your dog may not be the best for them and it is possible to feed your dog an unhealthy diet. Here, an unhealthy diet is referring to a diet that lacks the necessary and essential vitamins and minerals that your dog needs as opposed to a diet that is high in sodium, fats and sugar. If you want to ensure that you are giving your dog the best in terms of food and diet, then continue to read this article. It aims to help you choose the best foods for your pet dog.

Consult with a Vet

One of the first things that you must do to make sure that you are choosing the best foods for your dog is to get into contact with a veterinarian. This is because it is their job to look after pets. So, they will know exactly what kinds and types of foods are best suited for your dog. It is important to remember that every dog is unique and will have different dietary requirements. Therefore, just like in the case of humans, what might work well for one dog, may not work well for another. Similarly, what will not work for one dog might work for another. This emphasises the importance of avoiding generalisation and a one-size-fits-all approach as this is not the case. Contact your local vet and take further steps according to their advice.

Give Healthy Dog Treats

In terms of dog treats, you want to be sure that they too are as healthy and nutritious as they can possibly be. To do this, why not give your dog Raw Dog Food as this is a healthy option. When giving out dog treats, make sure that your dog has earned it because giving out too many can be more harmful than you think. So be moderate. However, this does not necessarily mean that you have to be strict either. Another important consideration is water. As well as food, be sure to give your dog enough water to drink so that they stay hydrated

Balance Out with Healthy Food

Once you have gotten the relevant advice from your vet, then you can begin buying the foods that your dog’s body needs and wants. When doing this, be sure to keep an eye out on the ingredients. By doing so, you will be able to notice what dog foods and brands contain harmful substances and which contain essential vitamins and nutrients. So, be vigilant and attentive when buying food for your dog. Keep a watchful eye out for foods that contain corn syrup or molasses as, while these enrich the flavour of the dog food, these are extremely harmful to your dog. If you are unsure of what ingredients to avoid and which ones to look out for, then be sure to do your own research and ask the vet for advice.

The mistakes to avoid when selling your home

Many things in life can be complicated with plenty of opportunities for making mistakes no matter how important the task might be — and that’s certainly true for selling a property, which is one of the most consequential decisions that a homeowner might have to make one day.

It’s vital that you don’t make any avoidable errors throughout the entire process of trying to sell your house or flat, because even the slightest slipup could have negative consequences including turning potential buyers away, making a legitimate purchase offer fall through, and more. But none of the mistakes that might happen during the selling process are inevitable and they can usually be avoided.

Whether you’re selling a freehold or leasehold property, you want to do everything that you can to make sure the sale is smooth and swift. This will help to ensure that you can quickly find a buyer and get the proceeds that you need to achieve whatever goal it is that prompted you to sell your existing home, such as using the profit to buy your next dream property, selling an inherited retirement house you don’t want to keep, and many other possible situations.

The property buying experts at LDN Properties, who have been in business for almost 20 years, are sharing some of the most common mistakes that people can make when selling a home, as well as tip on how you can stay away from these errors.

  • Setting an asking price that’s too high or too low

    One of the earliest decisions you’ll have to make when selling is what asking price you want to set for your property. If you are overly ambitious and set the price too high compared to similar homes in the same area, you might not get any offers because people will think it’s overpriced. But if you set the price too low to encourage more interest from buyers, you will reduce the profit that you can make from the sale.

    To avoid this mistake, research prices of properties for sale near you that are roughly the same size and shape as your home. Ask estate agents for free quotes on what they think your sale price should be. Average out these figures to get a more accurate price.

  • Selling your home during a quiet time for sales

    The time of year when you sell your property can have a major impact on your success in finding a buyer. It’s generally accepted that March is one of the more popular times to sell, whereas winter sees dips in demand for buying homes because of the cold weather deterring people from wanting to go viewings, as well as the holidays.

    If you need to sell urgently you might not have much choice about scheduling but, if possible, try to find a buyer in higher demand months.

  • Not tidying your home before seeking a buyer

    First impressions matter when you’re selling a home. If a potential buyer comes to see your property on a viewing, they will likely be turned off if they are greeted with a messy exterior with an overgrown lawn, broken windows, chipped paint and missing roof tiles. A cluttered and dirty interior might also make buyers lose interest in your home.

    The fix for this situation is simple — take time to clean up the inside and outside of your property. If you have a garden make sure that you remove weeds, mow the lawn and make it look presentable. Remove any clutter inside the home and clean every room, because you want the property to look in its best possible shape on viewings.

  • Quickly accepting the highest value offer

    If you receive offers from several buyers of differing prices, you may not want to automatically accept the highest value offer. That’s because some buyers who offer full price or even above full price sometimes don’t have the financial resources to back up that offer, and the sale might be at risk of falling through. Instead, you may want to look for buyers who offer a good price but can also prove their ability to quickly complete the sale if you accept their offer.
  • Waiting too long to apply for a mortgage

    The vast majority of homeowners who list their flats or houses for sale plan on using the profit from selling their property to help with buying a new one, although they’ll typically also need a new mortgage to complete the purchase of their next home. But some people leave the application for a new mortgage until very late in the selling process. This can create major complications if your current home sells but you still haven’t finalised the loan that you’ll need to buy the property you plan on moving to.

    Work diligently to identify the amount of mortgage that you will need for purchasing your next home, and get the process started soon after you list your current property for sale. This will increase the chances that your next mortgage will be in place with enough time to ensure a smooth transition from the home you’re selling to your next property.
  • Delaying the selection of a conveyancer

    Conveyancers are professionals who are essential when selling a home, because they handle the complicated legal work involved with transferring the ownership of a house or flat from the current owner to whoever buys the property. This involves drafting detailed contracts, ensuring the proceeds for the sale are paid to the owner, and more. But some people delay selecting a conveyancer, which can slow down the entire sale.

    It’s advisable for homeowners to select their preferred conveyancer shortly after they list their property for sale. Doing this early in the process should increase the prospects that selling with go smoothly, particularly when compared to waiting until it’s late in the sale.
  • Creating hurdles for buyers wanting viewings

    If you’re selling your home yourself, through an estate agent or using an auctioneer, you will have to allow viewings where prospective buyers come to visit the house or flat and tour the inside and outside before deciding whether to make an offer. Some owners can make this vital part of the process overly complicated, such as refusing to schedule viewings during certain popular times or interfering with the viewings as they happen.

    Creating such hurdles for viewings can lead buyers to lose interest in your property. You should accept that viewings are required and do your best to ensure they go smoothly and without unnecessary problems.

Is working from home just a makeshift solution, or is it here to stay?

Is the COVID-19 pandemic finally drawing to a close? Whatever the answer, numerous recent shifts – including several rounds of vaccination, the emergence of the Omicron variant and the introduction of new therapeutic drugs – have helped to blunt the pandemic’s threat.

Consequently, there has been talk of workers possibly returning to their pre-pandemic offices after about two years of regularly working from their homes. However, it remains far from conclusive that the majority of workers are keen on abandoning their home offices entirely.

Has the pandemic changed how we see working from home?

In various surveys highlighted by The Conversation, most employees have shown a reluctance to recommence commuting five days a week. Nonetheless, this has not stopped many employees from pouring – or, perhaps it should be said, trickling – back into their former workplaces.

As indicated in figures recently shared by the World Economic Forum, the share of people in the UK working from home at least some of the time grew from 27% in 2019 to 37% the following year. However, this percentage had fallen back to 30% by January 2022.

Meanwhile, in the US, the proportion of people working from home fell from 35% in May 2020 to 11% in December 2021. However, one key question remains: of workers who have indeed swapped home for their employer’s office, how many are spending a five-day workweek there?

Why hybrid working makes sense in the post-COVID landscape

Many employees have feared that letting their employees work entirely from home for the long term could bode ill for these workers’ creativity and productivity. However, there could be something of a happy compromise in the form of hybrid working.

This is where workers spend some of their work time in the traditional office and the rest of this time working from home. This work model is typified by that introduced by Google, which has asked its employees to return to the office, albeit for just three days a week, from early April.

Google has evidently acted under pressure from its employee base, given the company’s former fierce opposition to working from home. So, implementing a hybrid working model could help businesses to assuage employees’ concerns about returning to pre-pandemic habits.

How hybrid working has already proven its worth

In a survey highlighted by BBC News in February, more than 80% of managers reported that their firms had adopted hybrid working. The Chartered Management Institute (CMI), for which the survey was undertaken, has claimed that hybrid work should be embraced as “best practice”.

CMI chief executive Ann Francke has observed “an uptick in productivity, and an uptick in many companies’ results” as a result of hybrid working. A blend of home-based and office-based working would enable businesses to utilize benefits of both. 

You might not have known, for example, many ways of driving customer engagement with webinars – such as harnessing the power of video to unleash an especially immersive experience. This kind of content can help an employer to position its brand as an authority in its field.

FOMO or YARO — how helpful are these acronyms if you’re new to trading?

As we move further into 2022, two acronyms have become prominent in the financial news cycle – FOMO and YARO. But what do these acronyms mean? Is it possible that one or the other could end up having a long-term impact on the market? And should you care, particularly if you’re new to trading and anxious to expand your knowledge and understanding? We think you should. So read on to learn more about these two terms and whether they are mantras to be followed or shunned. 

What does FOMO mean?

FOMO stands for fear-of-missing-out. These days many traders are more than happy to boast about their trading successes on social media. In fact, there are also places where traders talk openly about their  losses as well. But typically, we can’t help being envious when we hear that someone has suddenly made a serious amount of money trading a particular stock. 

This is where FOMO kicks in. We want what they’ve got, particularly when it all sounds so easy. After all, they only had to buy the stock, watch it go up in price and then book a fat profit. Let’s do the same. Or, as that trader was so successful last time, let’s copy him the next time they buy.  

But trading decisions made as a result of FOMO are based on emotion rather than rationality. For instance, if a trader tells the world that he’s making large amounts of money on a sharp rally in a given stock, you may feel that you too should be riding this wave. The more the market moves in one direction, the greater the desire to join in, especially if others are getting on board. There’s nothing worse than reading posts from people boasting about how much money they’re making while you’re stuck on the sidelines.

But all this pressure and expectation can cloud your judgement and result in ill-disciplined trading decisions. Most trades initiated on the back of FOMO result in losses. Often this is because most of the gains have already been made. Often the trader panics and buys at what turns out to be the top of the rally when a bit of patience and technical analysis could warn of a corrective pull-back.

Take the GameStop saga of last year. The stock had already rallied sharply and many people had made a lot of money before Elon Musk sent out a cryptic tweet. Many traders interpreted this as a ‘buy’ recommendation from Mr Musk, so they piled in, driving the stock up by more than 60% in around 60 minutes to hit a level that hasn’t been seen since. The stock then fell close to 80% in the following two hours, which cost a lot of people a lot of money. All because of FOMO.

What does ‘YARO’ mean in trading? 

The coronavirus pandemic shook the world. The response from governments was to impose lockdowns, crippling the global economy. Sectors such as hospitality and travel were particularly badly hit. Many companies went under, while others only survived thanks to taxpayer-funded rescue schemes. But as vaccination programmes were rolled out, and economies reopened,  a new acronym became prevalent- YARO – or, ‘yet another reopening trade.’ Suddenly, many beaten-down stocks were in favour again as investors anticipated a  return to something approaching the old pre-Covid reality.

Montag Wealth Management describes the YARO phenomenon as the inverse of what happened with certain companies that soared when the pandemic hit. For instance, the stock price of Zoom skyrocketed as companies were forced to hold remote meetings. Although it’s worth remembering how Zoom crashed back to more realistic levels once vaccination programmes began to roll out. In contrast, the impact of the ‘reopen’ trade should be longer-lasting, assuming that any new coronavirus variant turns out to be mild. 

If that proves to be the case, then those companies that have benefitted from the ‘reopen’ trade may be able to hold on to, and possibly build on their gains. At least for as long as lockdowns are banished and consumer demand roars back to life. All those businesses that suffered so badly due to public health restrictions and whose share prices fell well below their pre-pandemic valuations should now be trading at more reasonable levels.. 

Unfortunately, this doesn’t tell us where prices may go in the future. According to MarketWatch, the early gains are most likely behind us. What happens next will depend on how investors respond to a variety of factors, particularly geopolitical concerns and judging how aggressive central banks will prove to be when it comes to fighting inflation through tighter monetary policy.

What does this mean for new traders?

YARO is specific. ‘Yet Another Reopening Trade’ can only apply to companies affected by the government-mandated lockdowns which came in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Does that mean we can consign the term to the dustbin? It would be great if we could, but we have to consider that another variant of Covid-19 could be waiting around the corner, and it may not be as benign as Omicron.

In addition, we can now be clear on how politicians will react to the arrival of another highly infectious and dangerous disease. Whereas most of the world carried on much as normal when there were outbreaks of SARS and MERS, that won’t be what happens if something similar were to emerge in future. It seems incredible that in recent memory the world lived largely unrestricted through the Swine Flu pandemic of 2009/10, the Hong Kong flu outbreak of 1968/9, the Asian Flu crisis of 1957/8 or more seriously the ‘Spanish Flu’ just over 100 years ago. 

And let’s look at this more broadly. Stuff happens, including the LTCM melt-down in the 1990s, the Dot-Com bust at the beginning of this century and the Great Financial Crisis of 2008/9. In each case, stock and asset prices collapsed, but many of those assets rebounded strongly later. So, there’s a good chance that YARO, or something similar, will be resurrected.

FOMO is different. The Fear of Missing Out is something that traders have to cope with all the time.  This fear is made worse if you believe that everyone else has already got on board. That is never true. So, put aside thoughts about what other traders are doing and concentrate on yourself. You may decide to diversify the markets you trade. If so, Forbes has a handy guide that includes additional tips on how to prudently diversify your portfolio.

But most importantly, make sure you manage your risk. There are some tried and tested ways to do this. For instance, you can set up stop-loss orders that automatically close your open positions when a specified level is reached. Trade Nation’s free trading simulator lets you see virtually how these work in practice, allowing you to experiment with your trades on different markets, using stops and limits. 

So, make sure you banish FOMO from your trading vocabulary. Instead, study your favourite markets and plan your trades accordingly. Make sure you are comfortable with your risk parameters and think carefully about where to place your stops and limits. This will help you become a profitable trader over time. As far as YARO is concerned,  keep it in mind. You never know what is around the corner. But if you can learn lessons from how markets have reacted to major and unexpected events in the past, you’ll be better prepared to take advantage of them in the future.

Necessary Skills for Online Gaming

Online casinos have exploded in popularity, providing entertainment and quick opportunities to win big prizes. However, not all of the games offered by these gambling sites are suitable for all types of gamblers. In addition, every game has its set of rules and patterns to follow. If you don’t understand these things, winning becomes more difficult.

Of course, online casinos will let you enjoy and play without leaving your home, allowing you to increase your bankroll significantly. You can find some of the best casinos if you click here. However, there are a few things you need to be aware of to test your luck. Even though it requires skills and experience, online gambling solely relies on luck. So keep reading to know these crucial pro tips before pushing your luck and success on gambling online.

Choose the Right Gambling Site

For a reason, selecting the best gambling site is the top priority. The brand’s features, service, and quality will define your gambling experience. There are bunches of gambling sites to choose from, and you’ll find at least a few good places as you begin looking. Unfortunately, only a tiny percentage of those sites are reputable online casinos. Some are even scams planning to steal your money.

Before signing up, be sure you’ve done your homework. Studying the gaming website’s content is one approach to see if it is good. A legitimate casino offers your preferred payment options, generous bonuses, and other wholesome features. Another way to determine whether a casino is a good fit for you is to scan some online user reviews. Finally, be sure that the gambling site is licensed, one of the most critical factors.

Manage Your Money

When you intend to spend money at a legitimate gambling site, you must sit down and thoroughly examine your bankroll. Determine the maximum amount you can lose ahead. It assists you in staying within your budgetary constraints, keeping you from overspending.

Suppose you receive a minimum wage and opt to put $1000 in casino gambling. In that case, you take a considerable risk as $1000 is a significant sum of money. However, rather than spending it all, you can invest a small sum and hope for the best. Even though you lose the game, you will gain knowledge and experience to help you play better in the future. However, you put yourself in danger if you don’t manage your money and budget appropriately.

Manage Your Time

Like your money, you must also mind the time you will spend when gambling online. Furthermore, always play the game at the appropriate time. It refers to when there are no other thrilling or tempting things to do. Additionally, you should only play when you are calm. Once your emotions have affected your game, you are likely to lose.

You can play anytime you have free time, and don’t forget to set a limit. It aids in the management of your emotions and the prevention of financial loss. Meanwhile, it’s worth noting that gambling online is an excellent activity to relieve stress while having fun and some thrill!

Choose an Appropriate Game

Poker, slots, bingo, and more games are available at online casinos. First, however, you must select the appropriate match for your gaming abilities and understanding. Then, it aids you in comprehending the laws of the game and devising effective techniques for increasing your chances of winning.

Instead of trying out various games, you can concentrate on the one you enjoy the most. It allows you to have a lot of fun while learning a lot. It helps you grasp the rules, practice more, and quickly identify the winning technique. You can also play for free to try things out without spending any money.

Take Advantage of the Bonuses

Gamblers can take advantage of a wide range of promotions, bonuses, and offers at almost all the most popular online casinos. You’ll be able to collect those tempting bonuses once you’ve signed up at the gambling site. So instead of putting your money at risk, use the bonus money to gamble and find your luck.

However, ensure that you understand the gambling site’s terms and conditions because they may keep you from getting your rewards. You will be able to get the most out of your reward if you are aware of the requirements ahead of time. Bonus with a deposit, no-deposit bonus, and free spins are all standard promotions at the casino.

Practice Makes Perfect

Don’t ever put any money down without playing a few practice hands, whether you are playing roulette, slots, poker, or blackjack. In the online gambling platform, practice is more crucial. Never go into a game with the expectation of winning because anything may happen in the realm of gambling.

Spending some time practicing the game will help you better understand the game’s rules and strategies, increasing your chances of winning. It also boosts your game confidence and allows you to place the best without any doubt.

Develop Winning Strategies

Like playing in traditional casinos, the success in playing in an online casino is a combination of luck and skills. Even if you won’t win the game utilizing the methods, it’s still a good idea to use them. As you construct your plan, you will understand the game more and know what to do and what not to do.

Spend time testing and developing your approach because it’s a significant element of having fun and being entertained on the gaming platform. It also assists you in identifying the errors you make that have a substantial impact on your ability to win.

Observe Successful Players

The final step for determining your luck in a gambling site is to observe how other players play. It enables you to pick up tricks from more experienced players. Furthermore, you will gain insight into how to create the most effective winning methods.

It also allows you to fine-tune your strategy for the game. You’ll improve as a gambler and find a method that works for you.


With these pro tips, you’re now ready to try your luck at gambling. So, wager with confidence in the reputable online casinos.

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