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A Guide to Holidays for Single Parents

Holidays are incredibly important for the family, but they can be difficult to plan and organise as a single parent as the responsibility will fall on you and you will want to have the best possible time with your children to create new memories and explore new places. With this in mind, here are a few tips which will help you to plan the perfect vacation that you will all enjoy together.

Work Out a Budget

Before you start planning the holiday, you first need to work out how much money you can afford to spend. Vacations can be expensive, but there are always ways to make savings so do not worry if things are tight. You will need to factor in costs such as travel, accommodation, food and daily activities.

Choose Somewhere Familiar

It is a good idea to choose somewhere familiar as a destination so that you feel comfortable and confident in taking the kids there. Visiting somewhere new can be daunting, especially if you are a single parent who needs to be in complete control at all times. A staycation is an excellent idea because it is more affordable, it is easier to travel and there will be no language/cultural barriers to worry about. Somewhere like Hertford is a good choice for families and you can jump on a train from Moorgate to Hertford North to take the stress out of travel.

Travel Light

It is also a good idea to travel light as the more bags that you have, the more stressful and challenging the journey will be. This means that you need to have the essentials, to plan outfits ahead of time and to avoid packing anything that you could easily buy when you are there.

Get Your Kids On Side

Kids can notoriously be difficult when going on holiday, but they should recognise that it is a lot harder for a single parent to plan the trip and they are sure to be grateful for the vacation. Discussing with them that you need them to be on their best behaviour ahead of time should get the message across and hopefully make the trip both smoother and more enjoyable for everyone.

Going on holiday as a single parent might seem daunting but these tips should help and you should never shy away from going on a trip as it can be so beneficial for everyone and bring you closer together.

Property Investment Guide: Pros and Cons of Buying an Investment Property Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

Effects of the pandemic situation have resulted in job furloughs or termination, economic loss and various other factors.  So the idea of having a financial “backup” can be alluring as well as challenging.  It has been felt that property is one of the safest investments to be made, with the correct guidance to avoid stumbling blocks and yet being reasonably sure of a positive outcome.  To assist you with this is one of the well-known estate agents in Beckenham who are experts in property investments.

Now is the time to “invest” in property education by researching and being guided by experts in the property business.  They will follow the real estate market carefully and advise with new listings and price indications of those who need to sell.  Cost factors should be thought out carefully.  The location of the property and the tenant demand (in BTL cases) are essential factors to consider.

Pros: SDLT:  With the SDLT (stamp duty land tax) being withheld till 31 March 2021, it is an advantage for prospective buyers.

Take time:  However, do not be in too much of a hurry to take advantage of any property deal just because it is available.  Investment should be considered only after research has proved that it will be beneficial for capital growth.  If you are investing for rental income and evaluate that the market drop will not be too low, you can invest and reach your goals.

Benefit to the buyer:  With the economic situation, some sellers are struggling to sell properties – from residence owners to developers, and this is the time to negotiate prices, so that reasonable offers will be considered. 

House flipping: has become increasingly popular with buying low-cost properties, renovating them and then selling them soon at a profit.

BTL – Buy to Let:  With many people looking to rent houses rather than buy them, especially with the younger, working-class population, the BTL market has improved significantly.  One tip is to look for property in prime locations (near business and corporate sector offices, school catchment areas) so that tenanting will prove easier.

Tenanted property:  Some landlords are still wanting to sell and investing in tenanted property has its advantages.  With tenants already in the property, it will save the issues of having people physically move in, handing over keys etc.  If the rental income is of prime importance, then you should check whether the tenants’ employment and salaries have been affected by the pandemic so that it does not hinder the rent payment.

Popular homes:  With many people working from home instead of an office, prospective buyers are now looking at properties which will be permanent and offer more environmental comforts as well, such as independent houses, with gardens and many bedrooms.  Those that are detached and more in rural settings are gaining in popularity.  With this increasing trend, property investors have a better idea of where and in what areas to look.


Mortgages:  It may be challenging to obtain the mortgage that you need, with some lenders not taking new applications and sometimes drawing back on mortgages that had been agreed to in principle.  Exploring avenues to obtain the best rates from the best lender will need to be done.

BTL:  In the case of Buy to Let, mortgages may be more challenging to obtain, with the added risk of renting the property, and fees may be higher.  Also, the profit will not be immediate since it will take some time to cover the deposit expenses.

Responsibility:  If you are renting the property, the maintenance of the same and attending to the needs and problems of the tenant will be your responsibility. Tenants expect amenities which will have to be provided. This can be time-consuming and a drain on your finances as well.

House flipping – taxes:  Flipped houses do not usually come under the 1031 Exchange tax benefit because they are short term and speculative.  Also, if the property is flipped within a year, short-term Capital Gains tax will apply at regular income tax rates.

Tenanted property:  Some lenders will insist on an AST (Assured Shorthold Tenancy) agreement before agreeing to a mortgage on the tenanted property, and some will lend only if the rent amount is more than the mortgage repayment.  You will be responsible for fulfilling the previous owner’s obligations to the tenants, so these should be meticulously checked out.  Choosing an experienced solicitor to verify the terms of the purchase would be a good idea.

Conclusion: With crises come opportunities, and it is the person who is willing to take the challenge, even with risks involved, who will come out the stronger.  This is true, especially if you are in a position to invest.  It has been proven with the emergence of Airbnb from the financial crisis of 2008. Looking at the long term factor, the “bricks and mortar” investment will be an asset!

How to avoid overspending on Black Friday

On Friday, 27th November 2020, we can all expect the annual shopping event, Black Friday. The sales will be back in full swing, and individuals will be able to get their hands on a number of items for a fraction of the price. If you have you had your eye on something for a little while, but haven’t wanted to pay full price for it, this huge consumer event could be the perfect time to pick up that tech gadget or home product you’ve been saving for.

This year it’s anticipated that Brits will spend an estimated £7billion over the Black Friday weekend. However, just because the sales are on, it doesn’t mean that you have to go out and splurge. Before purchasing any new items on Black Friday, ensure that you consider all your financial options. For further tips on how to avoid overspending on this day, read below.

Make a list of what you do actually need – and stick to it

While the sale prices are fantastic, you don’t need it all. Before hitting the shops or opening up some of your favourite website online, create a list of the things that you either need, or have been wanting for a very long time. If they are heavily discounted, take advantage of the offers, but ensure that you are not adding things to your basket that aren’t a necessity.

Do your research

If you’ve needed a new pair of hair straighteners for a while now, and have been holding out for Black Friday, browse a number of sites before committing to the purchase. You never know, one website could have them at a greater discount, so make sure that you do your research before buying.

Use a credit card

If you’re desperate for a household item with a rather large price tag, such as a washing machine or refrigerator, for example, you could choose to pay by credit card rather than cash. That way, you can take advantage of the once-a-year shopping event, and pay the sum off in manageable instalments.

Set a budget and don’t go over it

Before opening your purse or wallet, set yourself a budget. If you know that you only have £300 at your disposal for Black Friday, for example, it will make it easier for you to avoid being tempted by the numerous deals that are completely out of your price range.

By following the advice below, you will be able to avoid overspending on Black Friday. What deals will you be looking out for?

Why ottoman beds are a top choice for new houses

With available land at a premium, many new house builds are shrinking in size compared to their predecessors. This means that anyone looking to purchase a new house needs to take a savvy approach to storage. This is where an ottoman bed really steps up to the mark.

What is an ottoman bed? 

Taking inspiration from the practical furniture built during the Ottoman rule of Turkey during the 13th Century, an ottoman bed consists of a low bed frame close to the ground, which also serves as a roomy storage space.

Superior storage

The entire bed frame space can be used to store all sorts of items, including bedding, clothes, shoes, toys, etc, providing much more storage area compared to other styles of beds. This makes an ottoman beds the ideal option for new-build houses that are diminutive in size. Importantly, because the frame under the mattress lifts up to enable you to store items within the bed, these are tucked away out of view, keeping your space neat and tidy!

Lots of style options

All ottoman beds feature a box frame used for storage, but this is where any similarities end. Aside from this, you can choose a huge different range of styles of ottoman beds, in various materials, colours, sizes and headboard types. Some ottoman beds even boast features such as shelves or built-in TVs, to suit your personal taste and preferences.

Notably, an ottoman bed makes for an incredibly stylish and attractive addition to any bedroom, whether you’re looking to exude a contemporary flavour or a more traditional vibe.

Practical use

If you’ve just moved to a new house, you’ll be spending enough time lifting and carrying heavy boxes around, so the last thing you’ll want to do is have to lift a frame on the bed to store items away. The good news is that this isn’t something you need to worry about with an ottoman bed. This style of bed comes with a unique hydraulic system that safely lifts the frame for you, giving you easy access to the storage space below. The frame is designed in a way to keep your mattress secure, so you don’t need to worry about it slipping or sliding off the bed when open.

There are two options to choose from for lifting the frame; these include an opening at the foot end of the bed, or to the side. Whichever you choose is down to personal preference, as well as available space. Smaller bedrooms, which lack space at the front of the bed, may be better suited to ottoman beds with a side opening.


The beauty of choosing an ottoman bed is that you don’t just benefit from bags of storage space; you can also be ensured of a good night’s sleep. That’s because you can fit any style of mattress onto an ottoman bed, so whether your preference is for a pocket spring mattress, an open coil type, a memory foam or a medical-grade option, these are all suitable candidates.

How much of our disposed waste is actually recycled?

Every single time that we unpack a product that has been wrapped in plastic, we are contributing to the generation of waste that is not going to be recyclable. This type of waste is the main reason why we are dealing with alarming environmental issues related to waste management.

We produce an overwhelming amount of waste worldwide each year and this is something that has always been a concern regarding our environment. The biggest problem is that the amount of waste we produce is largely non-recyclable and this means that we need to be able to look for ways to reduce the amount of waste that we are creating on a daily basis.

These alarming statistics should give you some perspective

  • The world is producing an average of 2 billion metric tons of solid waste every single year. 
  • It is estimated that those numbers will rise to at least 3.5 billion tons per year by the time we reach 2050.
  • At least 40% of all the waste we create across the globe is not being properly managed.
  • High-income countries have around 2% waste mismanagement, while low-income countries are dealing with over 90% waste mismanagement.

With those kinds of numbers, it can be difficult to even consider that all of this waste is accumulating year after year. Not only that, but most of it will remain largely unchanged for centuries and this means that landfills all over the world are running out of space faster than they are decomposing existing materials. 

The largest concern is this type of situation is that most people are not even aware of those numbers and statistics because this is a problem that is not happening in their backyards.

How much of it is recycled?

Unfortunately, the amount of waste that is recycled is overwhelmingly low in most cases. It is estimated that at least 79% of the waste that we produced worldwide is not being recycled. This means that most of this waste is actually going into be accumulating in landfills and open areas for decades and even centuries.

On a positive note, the amount of recycled waste in the UK has been as high as 44% in recent years, with fluctuating numbers depending on certain factors, but this means that the UK population is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of recycling.

The biggest concern is that a large amount of this waste is made up of plastic, and all plastic waste takes hundreds of years to decompose. This is the reason why so many environmental campaigns are so invested when it comes to raising awareness about plastic consumption.

The more we start to create a culture that looks for ways to minimize plastic use, the lower the percentage of non-recyclable waste is going to be. This is very important and the more people start getting involved, the higher the chances are of having a significant amount of positive impact on the environment.

Waste management is a collective responsibility

Just imagine all of that waste sitting in landfills and in some cases, the dumping sites are not taking proper measures and the rubbish is collected but not buried. This alone creates a very serious hazard that can be quite damaging to the environment.

The main concern with waste management is that the average person is not doing all they can to reduce the waste that they create day after day. This is a large problem as our collective actions are going to have the deepest impact in the world, but we need to raise more awareness to make substantial changes.

How to raise more awareness for individual change

The efforts of a few may seem like they are useless for environmental protection, but this kind of thought process the reason why so many people are not involved. This is also caused by the hectic lifestyles that most people are experiencing in the modern world. They feel that they hardly have time for themselves and their families, and they don’t give too much thought to the environmental consequences of producing too much waste.

The best way to encourage them to change their habits is to remind them that each person that becomes environmentally aware is already creating a huge change. The way one person behaves in terms of environmental responsibility is always going to have a positive effect on others. This is the reason why setting the example is so important in this kind of situation. 

A person does not have to become an active waste management advocate to help make a difference. All that they have to do is start setting an example in their communities and their actions will speak louder than any words. All it takes sometimes is for one person to start a movement and this can create a whole community of people who are aware of the waste management and recycling problem the world is facing.

Recycling bin contents are not always fully recyclable

Another issue is that many recycling bins are not strictly used for recyclable waste and contain contaminated materials that are only going to contribute to the generation of more waste for those landfills. This is why the recycling process needs to be reconsidered and done with more careful planning.

Using skips to properly manage waste

A good way to collect waste for proper distribution and recycling is to make use of Skip Hire in Glasgow. This is going to allow you to achieve optimal results with your effort for the initial disposal of the waste.

Final thoughts

How much waste is recycled year after year is going to depend on each one of us and the decisions we make. We could all blame others for not supporting the cause, but that mindset is the reason why so many people are not doing all they can to lower the amount of waste they are generating.

Once we are able to individually realize the impact that we have in terms of waste management and recycling, we are going to start to see some amazing results that will lower the percentages of non-recycled waste that we produce. Remember is not so much about how much waste we produce, but about how much of it can be recycled.

Every single action towards proper recycling and waste management is important!

It’s time to capital-ize: why now is a great time to visit London

The ongoing COVID-19 crisis may not initially strike you as a great time to visit the capital, but it’s well worth thinking again. As long as you follow common-sense safety measures and comply with the latest UK government guidelines as you make your way around the city, there’s no reason why you can’t bask in London’s delights during this difficult time.

In fact, recent reports indicate that during the first coronavirus lockdown, London’s streets were quieter than in 1928. That could help to make now the perfect time to stroll around the city’s attractions in a socially distant way, maximising your own safety while also enjoying relative tranquillity – by London standards.

So with that in mind, here are just a few of the things that you might opt to do during your London stay in the autumn or winter of 2020.

Grab some food and drink

We’ve all been cooped up for quite some time, so why not treat yourself to a bite to eat or a drink in one of London’s many pubs, bars, cafes and restaurants? Table service has become the norm, so now’s a fine time to embrace the ‘new normal’ and support the city by drinking at a spacious rooftop bar or dining al fresco.

The UK government’s Eat Out to Help Out Scheme may have ended in August, but plenty of establishments are still offering alluring deals well into the winter months.

Visit some attractions

Are you itching to get what may be a much-needed post-lockdown culture fix? There are few better things you could do, then, than planning a day out at a museum or gallery in London. These venues have only been allowed to open because they’ve made sure they’re COVID-safe, so you won’t need to worry about being put at unnecessary risk.

Special safety measures are in place, including one-way systems and pre-booked tickets. It all means you’ll be able to enjoy your visit with that extra peace of mind. And if the weather’s nice, you could even check out a distinguished garden or outdoor heritage site.

Hit the shops

With shops in the British capital having now largely reopened their doors, the current moment’s an excellent time to head over to central London’s amazing retail destinations, including Oxford Street, Regent Street, Covent Garden, and Carnaby Street.

Even if big boutiques and department stores aren’t your bag, there are smaller high streets where you can help to support struggling local businesses. And if you’re still in the mood to ‘keep it local’, you may like to know that London markets have even started to reopen.

No matter where you are, you can shop with confidence knowing safety measures are being implemented: expect socially distanced queuing, hand sanitiser stations, and limits on in-store capacity.

Explore the great outdoors

If the autumn sun is shining, you may also be tempted to visit a park or garden and enjoy a socially-distanced picnic. If you have kids with you, consider a day out spotting furry friends at a city farm, or pre-booking a ticket to London Zoo. There are so many natural charms to enjoy in London right now, whether on your own or with your household or support bubble.

Book an overnight stay

If you’re exploring London, it’s a great idea to book an overnight stay in a hotel to maximise your experience. Dorsett Hotel, City, for instance, is one of the many London hotels that have implemented new hygiene standards and safety measures to help to protect guests’ health and wellbeing during the coronavirus crisis. That’s just one more reason for you to rest easy!

Sergey Tokarev notes success of Reface is various parts of world

Sergey Tokarev, an investor of RefaceAI, shared his views on the success of Reface, an app that allows its users to replace faces on GIF-images and videos, in various parts of the world. RefaceAI is an IT development company based in Ukraine. The original name of the Reface app was Doublicat. The company changed its name to make it easier for users to understand the purpose of the app.

Sergey Tokarev, an investor of RefaceAI, shared his views on the success of Reface, an app that allows its users to replace faces on GIF-images and videos, in various parts of the world. RefaceAI is an IT development company based in Ukraine. The original name of the Reface app was Doublicat. The company changed its name to make it easier for users to understand the purpose of the app.

0 Download – 20M Downloads, how did it happen?

The company released the face replacement app on January 13, 2020. It grabbed over 1 million downloads in the first three months of its release on App Store and Google Play. In July, the app surpassed 5 million downloads. The company officials said that the app had surpassed 20M downloads by the end of August, and the number is still increasing. The app has beaten many other popular apps on App Store and Google Play in various countries of the world.

In the beginning, the app grabbed the attention of Thailand residents. Within the six months of its release, the app reached the no. 1 position in Thailand on the charts. Similarly, the app became highly famous in the Philippines. Later on, the app topped the charts in the European market in early July. Now, the app has surpassed the most popular apps in the US market. It is the number 1 app in the entertainment category of AppStore in the United States.

What are the success factors behind Reface’s popularity?

Sergey Tokarev, a renowned It investor, noted that the uniqueness and excellent final results of the app made it successful. The RefaceAI developers worked hard for a long time to developed their own technology based on artificial intelligence. The competitors of Reface are still using computer-generated imagery (CGI) technology. However, CGI technology has many major flaws including limited user experiences and bad end results. “The result has exceeded all our expectations. It takes only a short time to process an image, and you get the final picture as realistic as possible,” expressed Sergey Tokarev about Reface. The users can replace faces on their own videos and GIFs along with a vast database provided by the developers. They can replace their or anyone else’s face with the face of a famous athlete, celebrity, politician, and others.

In 2019, the company attracted Elon Musk through Reflect, a face replacement app that works on photos. Musk decided to swap bodies with Dwayne Johnson by using the Reflect app and shared the results on his Twitter account. “These photos were published by thousands of media around the world, and the app instantly gained popularity among users,” noted RefaceAI investor. Reface is a larger prospect of the company as compared to Reflect. It allows its users to replace faces on videos and GIF-images. Many singers have used this technology to produce their music videos.

The development team takes the safety of users’ data as the most important priority. Sergey Tokarev, the investor of RefaceAI, said, “The app doesn’t store the photos of people. The app doesn’t need a photo to process an image.” GoogleCloud processes the image sent by Reface. The images automatically get deleted within 24 hours. The user’s phone is the only place where the final photos and videos are stores. The company has a main aim to target the gaming, advertisement, entertainment, and filmmaking industries to generate revenue. Investors are keen to achieve their goals in the near future.

Top surprising facts about the evolution of UK congestion, based on new study

Did you know that we drove most quickly on Christmas ’08 than any other day in 2008 and 2018 combined?

A recent report by ATS Euromaster gives the lowdown on our driving habits on UK roads, with these two years in focus.

We’ve pulled out some of the key findings from the article and highlighted a few bits and pieces that didn’t make the cut in the original story. Read on for the lowdown on congestion stats (including holidays, roads and times of day you’ll want to avoid) and whether we’re a nation of snails or high-octane speedsters.

Despite more cars on the road, congestion is easing

  • Between 2008 and 2018, there were five million more registered vehicles in circulation, but congestion marginally eased.
  • In 2020, traffic numbers had fallen even further, with weekend congestion down 78% (April 2018 vs April 2020). Of course, 2020 has been an unprecedented year for reasons we don’t need to explain, and in the months to come we should start to see traffic statistics go back to normal.

The M25, M1 and M60 are the busiest roads in the UK

The M25, M1 and M60 eclipse all other major motorways/A roads, with the M25 easily the busiest. Avoid 11 o’clock in the morning, when the M25 is under the most strain.

We’re rising earlier than ever to beat the Bank Holiday rush

Let’s turn our attention to UK Bank Holidays, which are seeing more and people rising at 5AM to beat the rush (2018 vs 2008). One reason for getting up before dawn? On a long drive, you don’t want to be on the road at midday when congestion is at its worst (a statistic that applies to both years under inspection). 

In fact, the number of cars on the M5 soars by 141% between 5AM and 11AM – the difference between enjoying an uninterrupted journey and sitting in bumper to bumper traffic.

This trend is borne out by other major motorways – including the M1, M4, M3, M42 and M40, across both years.

Summer months spur us to go faster

It’s a little-known fact that there’s been a 30% drop in casualties on UK roads (2018 vs 2008), with slower speeds on five of the six busiest motorways to boot. But that doesn’t necessarily mean we’re slowing to a crawl.

  • In fact, the fastest average driving speeds over an entire month all took place in 2018: June, followed by May and July of the same year. Summer clearly makes a difference, with sunny mornings and late evenings giving us the courage to go faster (we drove most quickly at 7AM in 2008 and 18:00 in 2018).
  • Across both years, the M63, A66(M) and A421 recorded the highest speeds. All three roads clocked an average velocity of 110/111 kph (or 68.3 mph).

We put our foot down on Christmas Day

People are in a hurry to get to their loved ones on Christmas Day (or perhaps escape them!). Christmas 2008 saw the fastest speeds of any 24-hour stretch across the two years in focus.

Want to learn more about UK traffic congestion? Check out the ATS Euromaster article in full, where there are great facts and even some lockdown findings to enjoy. Of particular note is the way COVID-19 has changed the way we travel. Spoiler alert: if you’re someone who has recently invested in a bicycle, you’re not alone.

Is It Possible Make Money By Trading with Penny Stocks?

Penny trading is a common phenomenon in the modern environment. Traders track down the market trends in the quest to make decisions on the types of shares to invest in. Individuals choose to trade penny stocks due to their ease of acquisition. Penny Stocks refer to common shares that cost less than £1 and $5 in UK and USA. They are highly speculative due to their low prices. Penny stocks are characterised by high volatility and riskiness. This raises the question on whether one can make money with penny stocks given their risky attributes.

Regardless of their risky and volatility attributes, these stocks can grow in both the short and long term basis. They are appealing given their low costs and traders prefer them. For instance, with £1,000, an individual can acquire several penny stocks in small companies as compared to the blue-chip ones. In case the company expands, the investors are bound to make money with these stocks.

The trends of the UK penny determine the willingness of the available investors to embrace them. In the case where the company in question has a rising trend, the investors flood in them. However, in situations where the trend declines, they avoid such companies. Where the investors have limited information about trends in stock markets, they face the risk of losing money and this calls for extra vigilance when dealing with these types of investments.

To make high profits, the investors should do a thorough background check on stocks that they are interested in. Eventually, they will make the most viable decisions by selecting trading stocks during the investment period. This article explores different aspects regarding penny stocks to act as guidelines for the traders when they invest in them.

Is It Hard to Sell Penny Stocks?

There are two major types of penny stocks which are penny stocks UK and US. If you are a beginner in the penny trading, there is a need to explore guidelines on how to invest in penny stocks for beginners. The guidelines outline elements to help in identifying stocks with a high risk of losing or gaining when in the market.

If your stocks are in the top 10 penny stocks in the market, you can easily sell them as the buyers will be available. These stocks are highly volatile making it crucial to keep track of their movement to ensure that you sell. If you are a newbie in the market, you should open a demo account to learn how to sell these stocks in the online platforms.

For beginners, after the learning process, it is crucial to start with the lowly priced stocks to be familiarised with the process. You can consider penny stocks under 10 cents and acquire them. You can then monitor them to view their changes in the market they operate in. These lowly priced stocks will equip you with insights on how to get started in penny stocks to realise reliable returns. 

Who Got Rich Off Penny Stocks?

Some people have financially benefited from these stocks and they fall under penny stock success stories. For instance, Tim Grittani invested $1,500 and multiplied it to $1 million through the penny shares. He utilised small entities and spent his time on the virtual platforms to realise his dreams. He embraces the aspect of timing in the purchase and sell of his shares to realise his profits.

He learnt about the issues that mattered in the stock market including genuine and scam information. He mastered the loopholes in the trading environment and took advantage of them to grow his shares. His determination grew to the extent that he traded daily and this increased his chances of expanding the initial investment. Apart from his research on these stocks, Grittani was inspired by Tim Sykes who was also successful in Penny stocks.

Tim Sykes is a millionaire trader who embraces entrepreneurship. He shares his trading journey in his social media platforms and blog. He acknowledges that most people have negative attitudes with regards to penny stocks due to the numerous propaganda and scams associated with them. Sykes states that penny stocks incorporate spread betting during pump and dump situations are common in penny trading. The traders should understand these situations to gain profits out of them.

Unlike Grittani, Sykes traded for four years to realise success. He managed to turn $12,415 to $1.65 million in investments. Not every trader will realise such immense profits in this type of trading. Continuous commitment and flexibility in penny trading can make one realise some revenue. On some occasions, you may end up losing your money but Tim Sykes asserts that it is part of learning and trading. 

How Do You Buy Penny Stocks?

If you are an online trader, you may have realised that CFDs are complex instruments to deal with. Changes in share prices are common in this area. Once you have decided to buy penny stocks, ensure that you deal with firms authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority to protect your investments. Such firms have a low likelihood to engage in scams like spreading propaganda to defraud unsuspecting investors. If you are in the UK, you can research the firms registered in England and Wales to trade with.

Also, when buying these stocks, you can get relevant information on different bulletin boards and weigh their validity. Buyers are subjected to scams which results in poor decisions on their purchases. Fast, uninformed, and nonviable decisions are the basis of losing money rapidly due to the ease of being misled by unscrupulous parties. Some of them come up with malicious reports that outline penny stocks to watch at a given period. They spread misleading information about the unprofitable shares which makes it crucial to conduct background research and investigation.

After a thorough investigation, you should come up with an exclusive penny stocks list to help in decision making. This will act as a guideline on the penny stocks to buy. The previous trends in the market help in forecasting the stock that trade in the current market. It is crucial to engage in analysis from reliable company sources and not relying on unsolicited advice and selfish stock marketers. Most of these pieces of advice have hidden agendas and they shouldn’t be blindly embraced.

Monitoring can be made easy by opening a brokerage service account. As you gain your experience you should target companies with the most successful penny stocks in history to reduce the risk of losing your investment. You should embrace tactics highlighted with regards to penny stocks for dummies. This will equip you with the skills to deal with and benefit from these stocks.

If you are stuck on the decision regarding the penny stocks to buy now, you should consider the bankrupt companies that are actively restructuring their operations. They have a higher potential of increasing their prices in future. You should take advantage of the situation and invest in them as they are bound to grow rapidly due to leverage. The companies’ ranking and reputation in the market will determine their success in the market. For instance, if these companies fall under the best penny stocks 2020 list, you can be assured of success in trading with them. Apart from commitment trading, these stocks require continuous learning and research.

The Best Way to Increase Online Sales Business

All businesses want to maximise sales – this is their main goal. One of the best ways to do so is by going online. This immediately gives you access to a huge market and it continues to grow year on year. You need to make sure that your company is at the forefront when searching for new customers and trying to maintain sales. You can use many strategies to drive your company forward and you will find some of the best right here in this article below. So, take the time to go through these tips – it could be worth your while.

Always Be Honest

It’s vitally important to be honest with your customers when providing copy or products. This is important to your company’s reputation. This shows that your business can be trusted and that you are a solid brand. So, any sales copy that you produce should be honest and easy to understand by future customers – don’t try to be something you’re not, just be upfront and honest.

Target with Facebook

As a business, you could target Lookalike Audiences on Facebook. This is just simply using data that you already have about your current customers and use it to find new ones – it helps you build a profile so you can attract new audiences. This is done by looking at the characteristics and behaviours on Facebook and matching them to your existing customers. It a quick way to find new customers.

Make Payments Simple

You should make all your payment methods as simple and secure as possible. It’s best to give your customers a number of choices such as ApplePay, Stripe, WePay, and other recognised brands. Sites like Magical Vegas offer these methods and a variety of slot games, live casino games, and many more. This not only reassures customers but gives them a choice while using your business.

Lose the Landing Pages

“Lose our landing pages…!” We hear you say… Yes, but this means boosting your online adverts and aligning them to match how customers view and shop on the web. You can do this using Facebook or AdWords. It makes your business easy to find and saves customers time while browsing – it means they go straight to your business.

Try A Free Giveaway

If you can give your customers something for free, then do it! It’s always nice to get something for free – customers appreciated it from any company. This will help customers look at your company in a different light, thus improving sales. Can include two-for-ones, buy one get one free, and memberships – it can be anything.

Optimizing Mobile for Sales

Mobile is the most popular way to search online – believe it or not, many businesses overlook this. It’s vital that your site has been optimized for mobile. It should be simple for a customer to choose a product or service and pay without any hassle. Your check out should be smooth and effortless. So, if you need to, adapt your checkout process.

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